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Technology Health & Longevity

La cybersécurité chez Pivotas

L'équipe de conseillers en cybersécurité de Pivotas est un groupe indépendant d'entrepreneurs qui ont réussi à se défaire de leur entreprise dans le domaine de la cybersécurité. Dirigée par John LaCour, cette équipe de quatre personnes complète l'expertise des partenaires fondateurs de Pivotas et de nos directeurs généraux.

Les autres membres de l'équipe consultative sont actuellement engagés dans de grandes entreprises de cybersécurité. Ils apportent non seulement un accès aux dernières tendances du secteur, mais aussi aux flux de transactions, ainsi qu'une spécialisation dans la commercialisation et la mise sur le marché de produits et de services de cybersécurité.

Une expérience approfondie de la cybersécurité dans le domaine des identités numériques, de la confiance numérique en tant que "PKI as a Service" B2B et B2C à l'échelle mondiale pour les modèles de confiance publics et privés couvrant une multitude de cas d'utilisation.

Donato Pinto - Managing Partner

A senior executive, entrepreneur and strategic advisor with a track record of profitably repositioning and developing financial service and industrial businesses in Europe and Asia. Divisional CEO of large international corporates with in depth expertise in strategy, operations, business development and M&A.

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Shawn Murphy - Managing Partner

A serial entrepreneur with successful careers in aerospace engineering and investment management. As a Chartered Financial Analyst, he served as chief investment officer for institutional asset managers in Liechtenstein and Bermuda. He also served as investment fund manager of funds in Luxembourg, Cayman and Bermuda. He is a Swiss FINMA registered Client Advisor. Shawn is also a cofounder of Pivotas AG.

Besides being an avid skier, Shawn likes to share his lifelong learnings through books, blogs and podcasts.

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Dr. Denis Cronson - Managing Director

Dr. Denis Cronson is an experienced senior executive, entrepreneur and critical thinker. In a hands-on career he has founded, led and exited international technology, service and product companies across the healthtech - wellness - insuretech spectrum. In an advisory capacity his combined medical qualifications and business experience provides clients in relevant industries with astute strategic design and compelling commercial mentorship. Denis is an obsessive health enthusiast, Judo black belt, competitive cyclist and three times Iron Man. 

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Justin Fogarty - Chairman & Partner

Known for his creativity and a founder of Pivotas he has been one of the Globe’s top internationally legal counsel in corporate finance, banking, M & A, restructuring and corporate governance. He has been a senior advisor to major corporations, financial institutions and governments dealing with complex policy and business issues. He has been an investment banker in London and has founded two successful investment funds and is a Swiss FINMA registered Client Advisor. His global experience as a top lawyer, advisor, board member and entrepreneur provides Pivotas’ clients an experienced international perspective that brings creative value solutions to achieve winning outcomes.

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