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Machine Learning

That is not a Black Box

The uniqueness of PolyML's solution is that it is able to determine logical factors for behavior out of huge datasets.

Understandable AI

Mardi Wentzel from Poly ML. Mardi comes from Waterloo Canada, which is the home of the Perimeter Institute from the University of Waterloo. Founded by the original tech geniuses who founded BlackBerry many years ago Mardi is the CEO of the company. Ironically, the secret algorithm that generates the solutions for Poly ML across a wide spectrum was invented by Professor Emeritus Gaston Bonnet from ETH Zurich. The technology is being used in the automotive sector but is equally applicable in any financial services sector insurance and other aspects of manufacturing. Key to Mardi‘s message is that for AI to be effective it needs to be understandable how the technology comes to an answer to build confidence in the solutions that are generated. She’s a big proponent of not only understanding that there is a black box but also how the black box works to come to a solution.